HeSMA Publications
HeSMA provides publications and opportunities for health systems manager’s leaders to stay current in the field.
The collection of Research Studies includes, perspective on several issues, Surveys, health pillars assessments and evaluation reports, academic programs, and other research papers on special topics.
This is aimed at producing White Papers for CEO Circle members that provide research-based information useful to health systems leaders.
As part of the conference papers on Health Sector Leadership, HeSMA accepts abstract and full research papers featuring on theoretical and/or empirical research by faculty/area and researchers in the field with the potential for high impact on health systems management.
HeSMA hosts the Health Systems Management Innovations Poster Session at the conferences, whichserves as an opportunity for practitioners and researchers to present innovations that address challenges facing their organizations. This is also done in coordination with the Centre for Entrepreneurship
Management Innovation Posters
Submissions for the APRIL 2017 Management Innovations Poster Session are now being accepted.